Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Two Friends

Nathan (on the right) and his cousin Victor enjoys playing with eath other.  Both of them go to the same school. Nathan loves to share everything he has with Victor.  Whenever I purchase anything for Nathan, he would ask, "Did you buy one for Victor?"  Nathan is four years old and on March 11, he will be five years old,  He is really looking forward for his birthday.  It seems more like he cannot wait for the day to come.  He is already asking for his birthday gift.  As a matter of fact, everyday he would say, "Did you buy my birthday gift?"  Nathan has been having a cough for some time.  Pray that the Lord will heal, strengthen, and sustain him daily.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

House Church

One morning, I took a short-term group from Trinidad to visit the village of Jarikaba for a prayer walk. We walked around the village and prayed for each Hindustani home that God would bring them to saving knowledge of Christ. On Sunday, the group sang in the Hindustani house church in Jarakaba and Pastor Mitch challenged the Hindustani believers to recognize who they are in Christ and how much they have to offer to the unsaved Hindustani community by sharing the hope, the peace, and the light that they have received from Christ. Pray that the Hindustani believers will be bold to share their faith with their unsaved relatives, neighbors, and friends.

The home of Brother K is where the Hindustani believers gather each Sunday for worship.  Brother K has been discipling several of the young believers.  He is having difficult reading and needs a new pair of glasses.  Pray that God will supply all of his needs.