Friday, July 27, 2012

Abrabroki Church Bulding Project

After many years of meeting in a garage, our first church planting effort, the Abrabroki church has laid the cornerstone to start the construction of the building.  Even though it rained everyday during the digging of the foundation, the men were able to pour concrete and laid several layers of stones.  Now that the dry season is approaching there is need to see the building completed.  Pastor Vijay gave thanks to God for bringing the church this far with its building project and now they are looking for short-term work teams to help with the completion of the building.  Pray that God will provide for the rest of the funds needed to complete the project and that work teams will come alongside and help them. 

Pastor Vijay laid the first stone that marks the contruction of the
meeting place for the church

Progress made on the foundation

The Mariage of Raymond & Siwaida

On July 14 Raymond and Siwaida, in the presence of church, family members, neighbors, and friends, were joined together as husband and wife in holy matrimony.

I had the privilege of not only to lead both of them to the Lord but to perform the wedding ceremony and to encourage them from the Word of God to love one another, serve God, and stay true to God's Word.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Joe & Joy's Ministry in Suriname

The Lord has blessed us with the ministry of Brother Joy and his wife Joy.  During their time in Suriname, the Lord used them to challenge the Guyanese and Hindustani believers to go out into the harvest field and make disciples.  He met and interacted with several church leaders to get a sense of what God is doing in Suriname, to hear of the challenges the churches are face with in ministry, and to look for opportunities for partnership in the ministry.  We are praying that God would bring them back to Suriname with others from their home church to come and join us in making disciples and developing and releasing leaders in the work of the Lord.

Joe & Joy in Suriname on a short-term trip. 

Joe shared the Word of God to encouraged a Hindustani
family to be faithful to God.

Bro. Steve shared with Joe and Joy ministry needs
and opportunites for partnership.

Interaction with Pastor Peter and wife Savita

Bro. Joe preaching the Word at the Abrabroki Church
in Paramaribo

Bro. Joe sharing with the Hindustani House church
in Jarikaba.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Anything for the Gospel

Joe & Joy connecting and praying for Akshay & family

Joe & Joy with Koemar & family

Brother Joe Zbinden and his wife Joy are presently on an orientation visit from their home church in Illinois to visit our ministry in Suriname.  They have ministered in several countries and they are passionate about foreign missions and doing anything to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord. They would like to see firsthand what God is doing Suriname and to look at possibilities of ministry opporturnities and partnership.  Brother Joe will be sharing the Word, visiting, praying, and encouraging the people.  They visited the Hindustani community of Jarikaba yesterday, connected with a couple of families, and prayed for their well-being.