Friday, January 29, 2010

The Shiwdats January Update 2010

Dear Friends,

The country of Suriname welcomed the New Year with the shooting of fireworks and celebration. The sky was lighted up with all kinds of fireworks. In the city, districts, and in our neighborhood, many were celebrating with music, dancing, and of course, eating and drinking. We gave thanks to God for you and your family that He has enabled us all to see yet another year. Indeed, we are living out of His grace daily.

During Nadira’s last visit to the specialist, the doctor said that her symptoms are that of asthma. In addition to the inhaler, the doctor prescribed prednisone. After using the prednisone, Nadira began to experience dizziness, shaking, weakness, headache, and constipation. She visited the doctor again and shared her side effects with him. The doctor decided to put her on the spray form of the prednisone. This supposes to have fewer side effects. Nadira continues to improve and breathe a lot better but some of the side effects are still there.

Steve Miller, trainer from World Team, taught the Galatians study in the mornings for six three-hour sessions and the Coaching Seminar in the evenings for another six three-hour sessions. Those attended were pastors, lay leaders, and other workers in the church. Steve did an excellent job in communicating the materials by incorporating his personal life experiences and he got the group to participate in numerous discussions and practice sessions. Many who attended are looking for ways they can implement the training in their lives and ministry. I have been personally blessed and challenged.

                    Prayer Requests

• Our co-workers, Roy and Margaret Lytle will be returning to Suriname.. Pray for their safety and good transition back to their ministry.
• Pray that the Lord will bring complete healing to Nadira and give her the strength she needs. Pray for the Lord’s protection upon as she drives Nathan to school in the busy traffic.
• Pray for the short-term team of six people that will be coming from Trinidad on February 9-18 to minister to the Guyanese churches
• Pray for those who took the seminar on Coaching and the Galatians Study/Gospel that they will apply in their lives and ministry.
• Ruben Stephen, an Indian evangelist from South Africa, will be coming on February 3 for three-week of ministry among the Hindustani. Pray that God will use him to equip workers to effectively reach out to Hindustani.
• Pray that the Lord of the harvest will raise up two couples to do leadership training among the Trio and Wayans Indians in the jungles of Suriname.

Thanks for your continual partnership with us in taking the gospel to the lost, discipling converts, and equipping workers for the ministry.

In Him,

Gurudatt, Nadira, & Nathan

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