Monday, April 5, 2010

March Update 2010

Dear Friends,
We are thankful for your prayers and support which have enabled us to keep on sharing the love of Christ with the Hindustani. Our prayer is that the Lord will bless you and use you continually for His glory and honor.

                               NATHAN’S 5TH BIRTHDAY

On March 11, Nathan became 5 years old and on March 12, I became 49 years old. The next day, we invited friends, neighbors, and church family to join us for a birthday thanksgiving celebration. About 60 people gathered with us to give thanks to God for His goodness and His blessings. I showed a special slide show from Nathan’s birth to the present. He has really grown and developed. He has been a blessing to us and we truly honored the Lord through songs, fellowship, and hearing from His Word. Pray that God will bless and sustain Nathan and give us His wisdom and strength to raise him for His glory.

                                       MEDICAL LEAVE TO THE US

We have made reservation to come to the US on May 3 through August 2 to get some help for Nadira to manage her problem with Asthma. Nathan’s school closes on May 20, but he should finish all his tests by the end of April so we have decided to come after that since he was doing very well in school. Nadira has not been driving for a while because of some of the side effects from her medication. She has good days and bad days but in the midst of it all, she is managing from day to day. Hopefully, she will be able to find some better medication in the US. Nadira has also been suffering from severe allergies which cause sneezing and runny nose and affects her sense of smell and taste. Sometimes, it is difficult for her to sleep. She will need to do some tests to determine what is causing the allergies and to get some medication that will not interact negatively with her asthma medication. We have made several appointments for Nadira and one for Nathan to see a pediatrician to get a check up and to get the additional immunization shots which are not given in Suriname. We do not know how long it will take for Nadira to follow through with all her appointments but we hope that she will get the medical help that is needed before we return to Suriname. Pray that God will open doors and make the path straight for us to come without any hindrances and that God will bring healing and restoration to Nadira’s health.


Three more Hindustani have been attending our house church in Jarikaba. We are presently going through some basic teaching to help the believers to be rooted and grounded in their faith. Koemar, one of the leaders, has been teaching a discipleship class on Wednesdays to several Hindustani believers, including a young Hindustani couple who have turned to Christ.
On April 17th, Reuben Stephen, an Indian Evangelist from South Africa, will be visiting for one month to work with us in reaching the Hindustani family and equipping the Hindustani believers for the ministry. Pray that God will use him to motivate and encourage all those who are working in reaching the Hindustani
Thanks for your continual partnership with us in making Christ known among the Hindustani in Suriname.

In Him,

Gurudatt, Nadira, & Nathan

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