Friday, November 5, 2010


Diwali is the festival of lights celebrated by Hindus all over the world.   This year the President of Suriname declared it as a national holiday which was highly anticipated and most welcomed by the Hindu communities.   The festival is dedicated to Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth knowledge, and prosperity.  It also symbolizes the victor of light over darkness by honoring the gods who fought and won over evil to establish good.  The day is marked by prayers, feasts, exchanging gifts and sweets, wearing new clothes, visiting relatives and the lighting of diyas (small clay pots filled with oil in which a wick is immersed and lit).  A few days before Diwali, Hindus clean their houses and make all the necessary preparation to welcome the Goddess in their home.  It is also believed that the Goddess of Wealth would enter a clean and cheerful home.  In the evening, inside and outside of the homes are decorated with lights and lighted diyas to illuminate the path by removing the darkness for the Goddess Lakshmi to visit their homes of the worshippers and bring blessings and prosperity.  The tradition of people wearing new cloth is significant especially in Diwali festival. They believe that wearing new cloth is the symbol of healthy souls in healthy bodies. 
As I reflect on light and darkness, my mind goes back to the ONE TRUE LIGHT who has dispelled the darkness from my soul and brought me into His marvelous kingdom as a son of light.  This true light is JESUS CHRIST who said in His own words, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (Jn 8:12).  To experience the True Light and Victory, one must turn from darkness and trust in Christ to be released from the penalty of sin and become a child of God.

TRUST IN JESUS, THE LIGHT.  “Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light” (Jn 12:36).

WALK IN THE LIGHT. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin 1 Jn 1:7). 

LIVE AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT.  “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light” (Eph 5:8).

Monday, November 1, 2010


It was a joy to see the Association of Churches that we affiliate with worked together to plan and host a conference on October 21-23.  Each evening about 200 believers from about 14 churches came together to be challenged and encouraged.  The guest speaker was from Holland.  The message was spoken in Dutch and then translated in Sranan Tongo, the trade language, for the tribal leaders and Bush Negroes leaders to understand.

There were church leaders from the Amerindian church in the interior who came to the conference.  It was encouraging to see church leaders and believers from the villages of Lawa, Apetina, Pelemeu, Tapu, and Kwamula. The Association of Churches helped with the cost of getting the interior church leaders to attend the conference in the city and they provided lodging and transportation for them. This will no doubt encourage the tribal leaders to see that they have not been forgotten.

The Bush Negroes church from Nieuve Wakapoe from French Guiana also attended the conference.  Pastor Bhago and a group of believers came to join the fellowship.

There were also Guyanese churches, Creole churches, Javanese Churches, Bush Negroes Churches, Trio and Wayana Churches, and a Spanish church that were represented.  On Sunday morning about 400 believers from all of these churches gathered together for a celebration in singing worshiping, and hearing from God's Word.  Different group had the opportunity to go up the platform and sing and worship in their mother tongue.  There were songs in Dutch Sranan Tongo, French, English, Javanese, Wayana, Trio, and Spanish.  It was a great experience to hear and see the people worship the Lord in different languages.  It is a little foretaste of what it would be like when the redeemed from the nations of the world would gather before the throne of God to bow down and worship the Lamb of God.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Guruatt & Nadira's October Update

Thank you very much for your prayers and support.  We are doing well.  It has been very warm in Suriname.  The electric company has asked its customers to conserve on electricity by turning on fewer lights and air conditioner.  A rain shower now and again is very welcomed and is refreshing. 

Keeping Fit

The surgery on my leg to remove a tumor in June is completely healed.  At first, it seemed like the healing process was long and I was wondering when it will all be over with dressing it daily with bandages.  The swollenness has gone, the fluid has stopped flowing, and the incision has healed up very well.  From what it was a couple of months ago to what it is now, I am amazed and in awe of the great power and wisdom of our Creator who has designed our bodies to heal.  Like David, I can say:  “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works” (Ps 139:14).

After my physical in June, my doctor recommended that I use medication to lower my cholesterol.  I decided to start an exercise program with dieting to lower my cholesterol.  Thus far, I have been able to shed 38 pounds and I still have another 10 pounds to lose.  I have a lot more energy to keep up with 5 year old Nathan.  Although it has been challenging and not easy, it is not impossible.  In the past I lost weight only to regain it after a while.  But this time, I am serious about keeping it off since both of my parents died from heart failure.  Pray that, in addition to care for our souls, we will take time to care for our physical bodies that we might render service to Him and have a greater impact in His Kingdom work.

Guyanese Church Project

The Guyanese church, after many years of desiring to have its own property, was able to purchase a piece of land within their target area of ministry.  The church has been praying and searching for a property in a good location in the city and for a reasonable price for quite some time; and finally the Lord provided for this need.  Nadira and I started this church in the early nineties in someone’s living room.   After that the church moved into our living room and then under the house as it grew, and then finally in our garage.
After the pastor was trained, ordained, and took on the task of   shepherding the flock, we switched over to the Hindustani ministry. 

As you can see, there is an old building on the property which will have to be completely demolished to make space for the new building.  Also there were lots of sugar cane trees and garbage on the property.  It was used as the garbage dump by the neighbors.  The believers have worked hard in clearing the trees and the garbage.  There is still a lot of work to be done in clearing the land, building a fence, and raising funds to construct a building with all the needed facilities.  Pray that God will provide for the Guyanese church so that they will be able to raise the needed funds to have a building to meet their needs and to be able to reach out to the other ethnic groups in their community.

Equipping Hindustani

We see potential for growth for the church in Jarikaba among the Hindustani.  One of the ways to multiply disciples is to equip the believers so that they will grow and mature and be competent to serve and reach out to others.  I have been teaching a series on How to Grow a Healthy Church for over a month.  It has brought much encouragement to the believers. 

One of our leaders, Koemar has been doing a good job in teaching the Word.  Although he works full-time at the banana plantation, he is very active in witnessing to the lost, encouraging the believers, and taking time to prepare lessons to teach.  Koemar has been suffering with eye pain and throat and lungs infection.  This has affected him from studying the Word and teaching at present.  Pray that the Lord will bring healing and Koemar’s health will be restored so that he can be active in the ministry.

Prayer Needs

The association of churches (UNIE) that we affiliate with will be having a three-day seminar for the church leaders.  Special speaker from Holland will be leading the seminar.  Pray for a profitable time.

Pray for Roy Margaret Lytle, tribal missionaries among the Wayana, that God will use them as they speak in several churches in the US to challenge the people and to recruit for the field. 

The Trio church leadership wanted to send two couples to minister to Trio believers who have migrated to the city from the interior.  Pray that the need for financial support, housing, and transportation will be met.

The audio recording of the Wayana New Testament has been completed. Pray for the process  of cleaning up sound issues, adding music, and appropriate sounds that goes along with different scenes. 

Thank you for your continual partnership with us.  May God bless you with His wisdom, strength, and His continual provision and protection daily.

Monday, April 5, 2010

March Update 2010

Dear Friends,
We are thankful for your prayers and support which have enabled us to keep on sharing the love of Christ with the Hindustani. Our prayer is that the Lord will bless you and use you continually for His glory and honor.

                               NATHAN’S 5TH BIRTHDAY

On March 11, Nathan became 5 years old and on March 12, I became 49 years old. The next day, we invited friends, neighbors, and church family to join us for a birthday thanksgiving celebration. About 60 people gathered with us to give thanks to God for His goodness and His blessings. I showed a special slide show from Nathan’s birth to the present. He has really grown and developed. He has been a blessing to us and we truly honored the Lord through songs, fellowship, and hearing from His Word. Pray that God will bless and sustain Nathan and give us His wisdom and strength to raise him for His glory.

                                       MEDICAL LEAVE TO THE US

We have made reservation to come to the US on May 3 through August 2 to get some help for Nadira to manage her problem with Asthma. Nathan’s school closes on May 20, but he should finish all his tests by the end of April so we have decided to come after that since he was doing very well in school. Nadira has not been driving for a while because of some of the side effects from her medication. She has good days and bad days but in the midst of it all, she is managing from day to day. Hopefully, she will be able to find some better medication in the US. Nadira has also been suffering from severe allergies which cause sneezing and runny nose and affects her sense of smell and taste. Sometimes, it is difficult for her to sleep. She will need to do some tests to determine what is causing the allergies and to get some medication that will not interact negatively with her asthma medication. We have made several appointments for Nadira and one for Nathan to see a pediatrician to get a check up and to get the additional immunization shots which are not given in Suriname. We do not know how long it will take for Nadira to follow through with all her appointments but we hope that she will get the medical help that is needed before we return to Suriname. Pray that God will open doors and make the path straight for us to come without any hindrances and that God will bring healing and restoration to Nadira’s health.


Three more Hindustani have been attending our house church in Jarikaba. We are presently going through some basic teaching to help the believers to be rooted and grounded in their faith. Koemar, one of the leaders, has been teaching a discipleship class on Wednesdays to several Hindustani believers, including a young Hindustani couple who have turned to Christ.
On April 17th, Reuben Stephen, an Indian Evangelist from South Africa, will be visiting for one month to work with us in reaching the Hindustani family and equipping the Hindustani believers for the ministry. Pray that God will use him to motivate and encourage all those who are working in reaching the Hindustani
Thanks for your continual partnership with us in making Christ known among the Hindustani in Suriname.

In Him,

Gurudatt, Nadira, & Nathan

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Two Friends

Nathan (on the right) and his cousin Victor enjoys playing with eath other.  Both of them go to the same school. Nathan loves to share everything he has with Victor.  Whenever I purchase anything for Nathan, he would ask, "Did you buy one for Victor?"  Nathan is four years old and on March 11, he will be five years old,  He is really looking forward for his birthday.  It seems more like he cannot wait for the day to come.  He is already asking for his birthday gift.  As a matter of fact, everyday he would say, "Did you buy my birthday gift?"  Nathan has been having a cough for some time.  Pray that the Lord will heal, strengthen, and sustain him daily.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

House Church

One morning, I took a short-term group from Trinidad to visit the village of Jarikaba for a prayer walk. We walked around the village and prayed for each Hindustani home that God would bring them to saving knowledge of Christ. On Sunday, the group sang in the Hindustani house church in Jarakaba and Pastor Mitch challenged the Hindustani believers to recognize who they are in Christ and how much they have to offer to the unsaved Hindustani community by sharing the hope, the peace, and the light that they have received from Christ. Pray that the Hindustani believers will be bold to share their faith with their unsaved relatives, neighbors, and friends.

The home of Brother K is where the Hindustani believers gather each Sunday for worship.  Brother K has been discipling several of the young believers.  He is having difficult reading and needs a new pair of glasses.  Pray that God will supply all of his needs. 

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Shiwdats January Update 2010

Dear Friends,

The country of Suriname welcomed the New Year with the shooting of fireworks and celebration. The sky was lighted up with all kinds of fireworks. In the city, districts, and in our neighborhood, many were celebrating with music, dancing, and of course, eating and drinking. We gave thanks to God for you and your family that He has enabled us all to see yet another year. Indeed, we are living out of His grace daily.

During Nadira’s last visit to the specialist, the doctor said that her symptoms are that of asthma. In addition to the inhaler, the doctor prescribed prednisone. After using the prednisone, Nadira began to experience dizziness, shaking, weakness, headache, and constipation. She visited the doctor again and shared her side effects with him. The doctor decided to put her on the spray form of the prednisone. This supposes to have fewer side effects. Nadira continues to improve and breathe a lot better but some of the side effects are still there.

Steve Miller, trainer from World Team, taught the Galatians study in the mornings for six three-hour sessions and the Coaching Seminar in the evenings for another six three-hour sessions. Those attended were pastors, lay leaders, and other workers in the church. Steve did an excellent job in communicating the materials by incorporating his personal life experiences and he got the group to participate in numerous discussions and practice sessions. Many who attended are looking for ways they can implement the training in their lives and ministry. I have been personally blessed and challenged.

                    Prayer Requests

• Our co-workers, Roy and Margaret Lytle will be returning to Suriname.. Pray for their safety and good transition back to their ministry.
• Pray that the Lord will bring complete healing to Nadira and give her the strength she needs. Pray for the Lord’s protection upon as she drives Nathan to school in the busy traffic.
• Pray for the short-term team of six people that will be coming from Trinidad on February 9-18 to minister to the Guyanese churches
• Pray for those who took the seminar on Coaching and the Galatians Study/Gospel that they will apply in their lives and ministry.
• Ruben Stephen, an Indian evangelist from South Africa, will be coming on February 3 for three-week of ministry among the Hindustani. Pray that God will use him to equip workers to effectively reach out to Hindustani.
• Pray that the Lord of the harvest will raise up two couples to do leadership training among the Trio and Wayans Indians in the jungles of Suriname.

Thanks for your continual partnership with us in taking the gospel to the lost, discipling converts, and equipping workers for the ministry.

In Him,

Gurudatt, Nadira, & Nathan