Thursday, November 10, 2011

June Ministry Update

For the past few months we have been giving much of our time in discipling and training church leaders and potential leaders among the Guyanese and Hindustani.  We see this as the key to reproduce leaders who will not only serve competently in the churches but also to go out and make disciples with the end result of planting other churches.  Your prayers and partnership have enabled us to keep on pursuing our goal of making disciples in Suriname.  There is a lot of work yet to be done.  The challenges and tasks are great, and therefore we all need to pray that the Lord of the Harvest will provide faithful, reliable, and capable laborers to join our team.  

On June 12, the two Guyanese churches that we worked with gathered together for a worship and baptism service at Cola Creek.  A couple of weeks prior to the baptism, the Guyanese pastors spent time with the candidates to determine whether they clearly understood what is salvation and the significance of baptism.   They worked together on planning the fellowship and hiring a couple of busses to transport the people to the meeting place which was an hour drive from the city.  It was a wonderful experience to be in the open air with people sitting on benches and on the ground to sing praises to God and listen to the preaching of God’s Word. 

It was a delight for us to see 17 people baptized in the creek with most of them between the ages of 13-17.  I remembered some years ago when most of these young folks were just young children.  After the baptism service, the believers had a picnic together.  There was a lot to eat and to share with one another.  There was also a time for chatting with one another, swimming in the creek, and walking in the park.  Join us in praying for the continual growth and commit-ment of those baptized.  Pray that God will give them a hunger and thirst for the things of God and that they will be conformed to the likeness of Christ and not to the way of the world.

This wonderful couple are members of our Hindustani house church.  A few weeks ago, we celebrated their first year marriage anniversary and  the wife's 20th birthday.  We have been encouraged that this couple has been faithful to the Lord and their marriage has been a testimony in the community.  The young man has come from a Hindu home where the rest of his family members are practicing Hindus.  After his conversion, he got married to his wife and he has been growing in the Lord and He desires to be used of Him.  I have been discipling and training him to serve in the church.  I recognized his potential and his servant’s attitude of wanting to live for the Lord.  Pray that God will give this couple wisdom and strength to be steadfast in the Lord and courage to be a witness to the unbelievers in their community and faith and perseverance to face the challenges that that will come upon them.
R is one of the young Hindustani Christian that I have been discipling and equipping for the ministry.  I knew him since he was a teenager.  Our house church meets in the home of his parents.  He is a respectable young man who is looking for a Christian life partner.  In his community, there are only unsaved Hindu girls.  We have seen how some of our young men and women have ruined their lives by marrying unbelievers.  We are planning to have him spend some time with us in the city in order to introduce him to other potential believing partners in the churches.  Pray that God will lead him to the right individual who will be compatible and a blessing to him and that God’s purposes for him will be fulfilled.Thanks for standing with us in praying and giving to make disciples and equip leaders among the Hindustani and Guyanese people of Suriname.

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