Thursday, November 10, 2011

September Ministry Update

We are thankful once again for your prayers for us as we continue to reach out to the Hindustani with the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Indeed, your prayers have contributed toward a successful weekend of reaching out to the Hindustani through at short-term team from Missouri. We praised God that the seven team members of Extend Global arrived safely on September 15 and they were ready for ministry from day one. We felt, in a powerful way, the prayers of God’s people as we visited homes and shared the gospel with those who do not know Christ and encouraged and prayed for the believing Hindustani who are struggling. In everything we did, God was glorified and His message was proclaimed to those who have not heard the gospel. 

After orientation and lunch on Saturday afternoon, the team traveled to the Hindustani community where we visited from house to house and shared the gospel. We had two teams that went into different streets with a translator.  We also had some young Surinamese believers who came along as apprentice to see how evangelism was being done among the Hindustani people.  I led one team and visited several families who have not heard the gospel.  We were able to get a hearing from them, give out the gospel, and pray for them.  They all appreciated us for taking the time to listen to their needs and to pray for them.  We also visited some who were opened to the gospel and would like for us to come back and visit them. 
On Sunday afternoon, we all went out again and visited more families and were able to share the gospel and giving out tracts and portion of the Scriptures in the Hindustani language.   We praise God that we were able to connect with the people we visited and for the many doors that were opened for us to go back and share the love of Christ.  On Sunday evening, we had a special gathering (Satsang) in which the truth of the Gospel was proclaimed, the Scipture was read, and songs were sung. The Satsang was the highlight of the weekend and we were pleased that over 110 people attended.  At first, we had no idea how many unsaved Hindustani would accept the invitation which was given out by the believers.  We also had very good support from other believers who came with a band to sing songs in Hindi, Sarnami, and Dutch.  One of the team member shared a powerful testimony how Jesus changed her life and this in itself showed that Jesus can change the Hindustani lives.  Another member brought a very practical message on the truth of the gospel and how one can know Jesus Christ and have their sins forgiven.  We praise God that the message of the gospel was clearly communicated to many who have not heard it before.  The believers prepared and served a meal to everyone who attended.  Pray that God will use the open doors and the contacts for us to continue to share the gospel with the people and that the seed of the gospel that was sown will be used by the Holy Spirit to bring forth fruit.
On Saturday evening, the team did a seminar on Marriage and the Family.  There was one session with the women and men apart and then another with both groups together.  We requested that the team shared on this topic because without a strong family the Hindustani believers will not be able to positively impact their unsaved loved ones, neighbors, and friends in the communities.  It is essential for the unsaved to see that Jesus is able to change lives at conversion and to empower toward godly living.  One young believer shared how he made a mistake by marryiny a non Christianwith the idea that he would lead her to Christ.  He shared his struggles and the group encouraged him to keep on being a witness.  Pray that the Hindustani believers will indeed be the light of the world and the salt of the earth in their daily lives.
Michael and Erin Pfleegor and their one year old daughter Lyla came on a vision trip on September 14-20 to visit the ministry in Suriname.  Last year Michael came alone when Erin was pregnant with Lyla.  They have three other children who stayed with friends in the U.S. during their visit to Suriname.  It was great having them with us.  Michael had opportunities to teach and preach among the believers and do evangelism among the the unsaved.  We were able also to have some team time to talk about what it would be like living and working in Suriname among those who need the gospel.  We also did a surprise birthday celebration for Lyla who turned one year old in Suriname.  The Pfleegors will need to raise full support and go through the rest of the process to get to the field.  Pray that God will prepare them and supply all of their needs to get to Suriname to work do their ministry.
Thanks for your partnership with us in proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples among the least evangelized people of Suriname.

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