Thursday, November 10, 2011

We are thankful for all your prayers and support as we continue to share the love of Christ with those who need to hear about His saving grace and to equip leaders who will positively impact the kingdom of God.  The opportuni-ties to evangelize, disciple, and equip workers are many and we are seeking to grasp it as they come our way. 

My shoulder has been doing a lot better.  The medication has helped and the pain has been reduced.  I have been careful not to put much stress on it.  I will need to see how it all goes in the weeks to come.  Keep on praying that the Lord will do His work of strengthening my left shoulder and bringing complete healing.

Thanks a lot for praying for us during our ministry in Guyana.  We had a very profitable time preaching, teaching, counseling, and interacting with different ones who were having various problems in their lives.  I spoke a few evenings on Marriage & the Family to encourage those who were struggling in their relationship.  We also helped with the planning, preparation, ceremony, and the reception of the wedding. It was a delight to be actively involved in the marriage of Vinal and Alicia, a Guyanese couple.  We spent time counseling both of them about their duties to one another and encouraged them to stay close to God and give Him first place in their lives.

Since we are living in a time when traditional marriage has been rejected, redefined, perverted, and seen as irrelevant, I used the occasion not only to challenge the married couple but also the audience to see marriage not as a contract of temporary convenience but a permanent bond and a covenant between two souls and a divine institution ordained by God. 

The annual memorial service for Nadira’s sister-in-law who passed away in August 2010 went very well.  It is traditional after the passing of a loved one to invite relatives, neighbors, and friends to reflect back on the life of their loved one, eat a meal together, and to worship together.  There were about 130 people gathered together on July 30 at 3:30 pm.  A lot of work went into the preparation of a meal to serve to the guests.  I had the responsibility to lead the worship and to preach the Word of God.  It was a great opportunity for me to share on The Cure for a Troubled Heart from John 14:1-6 and give a clear presentation of the Gospel on how to receive Jesus Christ as

Lord and Savior.  The majority of the people who came were Hindus and they have never attended a church before.  Pray that the Spirit of God will convict of sin, righteousness, and judgment and that the precious Word of God will not return void but accomplish what He has purposed.
We spent most of our time counseling with different families and we saw some positive results.  One relationship was plagued with an unfaithful spouse and as a result of confession, repentance, and forgiveness; the couple committed themselves to one another and to make their marriage work.  Another family was affected by a passive husband who has neglected his role to lead his family and discipline his rebellious son.  We have reminded the parents to take their role seriously and to implement it.  A widower who was struggling with loneliness and the need for companionship was encouraged and he was able to get a better perspective on his future with regards to remarriage and honoring the Lord in the process.  We interacted and shared biblical principles to help these families in their struggles.  Pray that these families will lean upon God to help them with their weaknesses, struggles, and trials and that they will have the faith and strength to live out the principles of God’s Word in their lives so that they can experience His victory over their problems.

Our prayer is that God will strengthen your faith, provide for all of your needs, and give you divine wisdom to honor and glorify Him in your daily walk with Him. Thanks again for your partnership in “God’s kingdom work” of calling a people from the nations to be His very own. 

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