Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ordination of Deacons

Abrabroki church

Deacon with wife: Vandita and Harry & Balo and Latchmin

On April 26, the Guyanese church in Abrabroki ordained Brother Harry and Brother Balo.  Pastor Vijay gave the charge and Brother Scott brought the message to challenge the men to serve faithfully.  I had the privilege of teaching the men on the qualifications and duties of a deacon.  I had worked with the leadership team of the church to equip them on church organization and church leadership.  We are praying and trusting that God will use this church to impact the community with the gospel of Christ.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sharing Christ in Guyana

 Forty-two members from Nadira's and my family gathered together at my brother's home in Skeldon for a time of fellowship.  We decded to bring both families together within one day's notice to share the gospel with them.  Most of my family members are not Christians and I thought that it would be wonderful to get them in one place to share the gospel with them.  Some could not come but those who came were able to hear a clear presentation of the gospel.  This is the first time we have gathered the family  in one place to share the gospel with them.  Some requested that we do it again in the future since they had a great time.  Our guest speaker from Florida, Scott brought the message and I led the worship time.  I was able to encourage family members to unite, forgive, live at peace with one another, and to trust the Lord Jesus as I did.

Family Thanksgiving in Guyana

On April 20 we took Nadira's Sister Lily, Brother-in-law Scott, and Timothy their son to share the gospel among family members in Guyana.  It is always more challenging to reach out to family members with the gospel than other.  Though difficult it might be, it needs to be done.

We gathered together for two days with 15 of Nadira's family members under her father's house and encouraged those who are Christians to serve the Lord faithfully, challenged those that have gone astray from the Lord, and explained how those who did not know the Lord could have a relationship with Him.  Scott preached the gospel and I led the worship. After an hour of worship, we shared a meal together with the family on each day.   Not often do we get to meet with family members together.  Although some live in other countries and could not be there, it was a blessing to have the majority. 

Developing Leaders

Shaam, a Hindustani brother in Christ, has been the worship leaders of our House Church for several years.  He has a wife and three sons who professed Christ as Savior.  He has worked as a security guard at the Suriname Banana Plantation full-time.  He has been a good worker and has potential in giving leadership to the church. 

Shaam has a great desire to know more of what the Bible says.  Often he would approach me with questions on Biblical themes that are not clear to him.  He would ask for explanations on things that he does not understand.  He has a teachable spirit and a willingness to serve the Lord in a greater capacity.  For over a month, I haved traveled from the city to his home weekly to teach and equip him for leadership in the church.  I have been teaching him on how to prepare and lead an interactive Bible Study.  I am seeking to teach him some practical Bible study methods he can use in teaching and to enourage him to maximize his spiritual gifts to serve the Lord.  Like Paul, we need to engage, enslist, and equip reliable men who would be capable to serve effective in the church and to reproduce themselves in others.