Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Developing Leaders

Shaam, a Hindustani brother in Christ, has been the worship leaders of our House Church for several years.  He has a wife and three sons who professed Christ as Savior.  He has worked as a security guard at the Suriname Banana Plantation full-time.  He has been a good worker and has potential in giving leadership to the church. 

Shaam has a great desire to know more of what the Bible says.  Often he would approach me with questions on Biblical themes that are not clear to him.  He would ask for explanations on things that he does not understand.  He has a teachable spirit and a willingness to serve the Lord in a greater capacity.  For over a month, I haved traveled from the city to his home weekly to teach and equip him for leadership in the church.  I have been teaching him on how to prepare and lead an interactive Bible Study.  I am seeking to teach him some practical Bible study methods he can use in teaching and to enourage him to maximize his spiritual gifts to serve the Lord.  Like Paul, we need to engage, enslist, and equip reliable men who would be capable to serve effective in the church and to reproduce themselves in others.

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