Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Family Thanksgiving in Guyana

On April 20 we took Nadira's Sister Lily, Brother-in-law Scott, and Timothy their son to share the gospel among family members in Guyana.  It is always more challenging to reach out to family members with the gospel than other.  Though difficult it might be, it needs to be done.

We gathered together for two days with 15 of Nadira's family members under her father's house and encouraged those who are Christians to serve the Lord faithfully, challenged those that have gone astray from the Lord, and explained how those who did not know the Lord could have a relationship with Him.  Scott preached the gospel and I led the worship. After an hour of worship, we shared a meal together with the family on each day.   Not often do we get to meet with family members together.  Although some live in other countries and could not be there, it was a blessing to have the majority. 

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