Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sharing Christ in Guyana

 Forty-two members from Nadira's and my family gathered together at my brother's home in Skeldon for a time of fellowship.  We decded to bring both families together within one day's notice to share the gospel with them.  Most of my family members are not Christians and I thought that it would be wonderful to get them in one place to share the gospel with them.  Some could not come but those who came were able to hear a clear presentation of the gospel.  This is the first time we have gathered the family  in one place to share the gospel with them.  Some requested that we do it again in the future since they had a great time.  Our guest speaker from Florida, Scott brought the message and I led the worship time.  I was able to encourage family members to unite, forgive, live at peace with one another, and to trust the Lord Jesus as I did.

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