Thursday, December 20, 2012


The world is changing drastically, not for the better but forthe worse. No wonder our Lord rightly said, “In this world you will have tribulation.” There is an increasing antagonism against Christ, the gospel, Christians, and even Christmas. We are bombarded with the negative news and happenings all over the world. We tune into the news media and we see and
hear about the chaos and confusion and despair and disappointments. In spite of this, we have a Lord who never changes, a hope that is sure and steadfast, and a message that is still relevant. That message is simple, profound, and the answer to the world’s problem: “She shall bring forth a Son, and thou shall call Him Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins” (Mt 1:21). Truly, Jesus is the only One who can rescue mankind from sin and bring peace with God. 
Let us all join in and proclaim the true message of Christmas boldly and consistently in our celebration and living during this Christmas season. The emblems of Christmas may be trodden upon by the unbelieving world but the truth of the gospel and the hope that Jesus offers to mankind need to be sounded out loud andclear from us this Christmas season.

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