Thursday, December 20, 2012


Nathan had asked, “Aren’t we going to decorate for Christmas like we do in Suriname?” At the missionary home where we rented, we were loaned a Christmas tree and other decorations to beautify our apartment. Nathan was excited about this addition and now he thinks it looks like Christmas. Nathan has been adjusting and doing well in home-school. Nadira has done a good job in teaching him and helping him to be ahead in his lessons.

As the second quarter is coming to an end, he is looking forward to the Christmas holidays and all the gifts he anticipates he would receive. In his spare time, he enjoys playing wii games at home and with his cousin Timothy, reading books, and attending Awana. He likes to attend Awana to learn verses, to receive
badges, connect with the children, and play games. He looks forward to this weekly with excitement.

Nadira will be 50 years old on December 25. Oh, how time has slipped away so quickly! Nevertheless, we have eason to celebrate and thank the Lord for bringing her this far. The Lord has been good to us and He has been sustaining us during our Home Assign-ment in the US. We will surely enjoy our time with each other, focusing on the birth of our dear Savior.

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