Thursday, December 20, 2012


The Lord has given us some opportunities to share our ministry in churches and with church leaders. It was wonderful to be used by the Lord to encourage God’s people to stay focus on making world missions a priority and to be
personally involved in their community to make disciples. I was able to attend a Pastor’s Conference and interact with
pastors on missions. We have also been connecting with churches that are interesting in sending short-term and longterm missionaries to Suriname.

Our co-worker Roy Lytle reported that during the tribal conference at Lawa, church leaders and believers from
different villages who attended were challenged and encouraged. At the end of the conference, 27 Wayana believers who had trusted the Lord stood by the river bank to follow the Lord in Baptism.

The Outreach Team that went out to take the gospel to the unreached tribe in neighboring county had to abort their trip and return to Suriname. The government official was alerted about their coming and had planned to arrest them. The Indians in neighboring country who partner with the Indians from Suriname were planning to meet with government official to express their disapproval.  Pray that God will make a way for the gospel to get to the unreach tribe.

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