Friday, March 4, 2011

Big 50

How times fly by so quickly.  I remember where I was and what I was doing 25 years ago.  I was working in the kitchen in Bible College when a dear friend of mine, bought a birthday cake and brought it in the dining room.  He lighted the candles and called me to blow it out.  As I tried to blow out the candles, it would not go out.  It was then I realized that he bought the type of candles that won't blow out.  So I had to put it own with my fingers.  He really pulled a trick on me.  Later he came into my room in the dormitory and brought a large box with a gift wrapped up inside.  I opened the box to find out that there were several boxes withing the boxes and all neatly wrapped and taped.  It took me quite some time and with some effort before I finally got to the final box with the gift.  When I opened the box, the gift turned out to be a bag of Doritos, my favorite.  We sat together and eat Doritos and drank Cola.  

I remember a few years ago I was celebrating my 45th birthday and Nathan his first birthday.  It was a sobering when I thought about when I will be 50 years old on March 12 Nathan will be 6 years old.  In the midst of it all, I must conclude that God is good all times and He is in total control of every things that happened to us. He works everything after the counsel of His own will for His good pleasure.  Indeed, He is directing the affairs of our lives.  All that we are and all that we will ever become, we owe it all to our Great God and our Great Savior who keeps on loving us and blessing us.

Pray that we will continue to rejoice in Him regardless of the circumstances and look to Him to sustain us each day of our lives.

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