Saturday, March 19, 2011

Opportunity to Preach the Gospel

On March 9th Nadira and I had an appointment to visit a Hindustani lady in a hospital who was suffering from Aids.  Sister M, a believer, wanted us to visit and pray with her sister.  M shared with us that her sister had attended church for a while and then drifted into the the ways of the world.  She was into drugs and had illicit relationships with different men which resulted in the birth of four children.  Two were given up for adoption, one has Aids and is in a special home, and the youngest is with her father.

Some assumed that she was a believer because she had attended church, but we were planning to find out about her spiritual condition and  share the gospel with her.  On our way in the hospital to visit, we met M who was troubled and crying.  She mentioned that the nurse had called her and told her that her sister was not doing well.  We believed at that point her sister S passed away but the nurse was waiting for her to come to her office.  Once we got to the office, the nurse took us to the place where S was lying.  Her body was reduced to bones and some flesh.  The disease had already destroyed the immune system and taken away the desire for food and nurishment.  It was a very sad situation when I saw other family members came and wept.  My heart was saddened when I thought about coming too late to share the gospel.  I realised more than ever that I need to seize the opportunity to visit and share  the gospel with people who are sick befor their state worsen.  That incident made an impact on me personally to be more diligent and more intentional in sharing the gospel with the lost. 

On Friday 11, I went to the preach the message for the funeral service at the cemetary.  About 50 people gathered together under a leaky shed and with the rain pouring  and flooding the areas.  At one point, I nearly did not find the cemetary since someone gave me wrong directons to get there and I almost ended up in a pasture.  It was raining heavily that I did not know where I was going.  The thought even came to my mind that I should return home since the pastor could take charge.  I drove a little longer until I spot the hearse in a side street and headed in that  direction.  At last, I found the place.  I took the opportunity to share the gospel in Dutch and Sarnami to several Hindustani families who do not know the Lord.  I shared on how they can passed from death unto life and be prepared for the future without fearing it.  Keep pray that God will use us to minister to M and her family and seize the opportunity to share Christ with the lost.

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