Friday, March 18, 2011

Gurudatt & Nathan's Birthday Celebration

On March 12, I celebrated my 50th birthday and Nathan celebrated his 6th on March 11th in the city. We invited friends, church folks, and neighbors to join us for a time of worship, praise, fellowship, and hearing from the Word of God.  It rained a lot during that week and on the day of our celebration it rained most of the day.  Even though it rained heavily, we had about 70 people.  We were hoping for over 100 to come but the weather prevented the rest from coming.  We had a lot to eat and to give thanks to God for.  He has indeed been good to us and His mercies are evident each day. 

Nathan had his celebration at school with 27 of his classmates.  He served cupcake, pop corn, candies, and a drink to the children.  He was looking forward to his birthday celebrate many months ago.  Finally it came and he was excited to celebrated with his friends and also to receive all the gifts.

On March 13, we had another celebration among the Hindustani people in the district.  We had about 40 people who came and joined us.  Our friends brought in a small band and surprised with wonderful songs of praise in Sarnami and Dutch language.  We also heard a short message from the Word of God. 

The Lord was truly glorified in our celebration.  It was a testimony of His goodness and greatness to His people.  His name was honored and praised among His people and even some non Christians were able to hear about the Gospel.

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