Monday, March 14, 2011


"The rain came down and the floods came up" but the celebration when on to honor the Lord.  It rained heavily each day last week.  Homes and streets were flooded in many districts in Suriname.  We also got a lot of it in our area in the city.  In the midst of it, we had several birthday celebration.  Among the people we work with, it is common to celebrate one's birthday by having a "Thanksgiving Service."   It is a time when relatives, friends, neighbors, and church folks gather together celebrate and give thanks to God for His protection, sustainance and goodness.  During this celebration the Word of God is proclaimed, special songs are being sung, and a hearthy meal is served.   

             Equip to Serve

Rakesh, Nandanie & Joshua
 On Thursday 10 Joshua celebrated his 5th birthday.  I remembered the day when we visited him in the hospital at his birth and prayed for his well being.  Rakesh and Nandanie have been special to us since we led them to the Lord when they were teenagers.  During their marriage in September 2003 I brought the message and walked Nandanie down the asle to give her away.  Her father lived in Guyana and he had abandoned the family when she was a little child.  Her mother took the two daughters and moved to Suriname to find a better life for her children.  She worked very hard and made many sacrifices to provide and care for her children. In the early 90s Nandanie came to church with her mother and sister several times.  They stopped coming to church for a while and we did not know what happened to them. One day while we were out doing evangelism, our path crossed again and we encouraged them to visit the church since they moved into our area to live.  Then one evening, we visited the family Nandanie and her older sister and her brother-in-law prayed to receive the Lord.  The mother had received the Lord in Guyana.

Rakesh came from a Hindu home where his father was abusive and a heavy drinker of alcohol.  He lived in the same street where we lived and had church meetings.  Rakesh came to church whenever he was not busy with chores at home.  It was during our weekly evangelistic outreach in the community that we visited the family.  After several visits, Rakesh and her mother and sister came to church a few times but his father, Harry was a regular visitor at the bar.  Eventually, the father suprised everyone by coming to church with his whole family.  We followed up with the family and then in 1994 the entire family prayed to received the Lord.  We discipled the family and Harry gave up drinking and took better care of his family.  Rakesh has been involved in leading the worship and preaching occassionally.  Presently, he has been attending our Thursday evening Leadership Training Class.  Rakesh has potential in becoming a leader in the Guyanese church.  Pray that God will work in Rakesh lives and make him to be the leader that He will have him to be and that Rakesh will lead his family well for God's glory.

       Salvation Celebration

Gurudatt & Nikki
On March 10, I had the opportunity to share the gospel with Nikki, an 11 year old, who prayed to receive the Lord.  She has been attending church and Sunday School for almost her entire life.  Her father Harry, whom we led to the Lord, told us that Nikki was ready to receive the Lord.  Since I led his family to the Lord in the past, he wanted me to talk to Nikki about salvation and the need to receive Christ.  It rained a lot that afternoon but that did not stop us from visiting the family.  Once we got there, Nikki was ready and prepared by the Holy Spirit to receive the Lord Jesus Christ.  The seed was planted many years ago and it was a matter of simply reaping the fruit. 

Now, the entire family has become believers.  Truly a household has been reached for the Lord.  Pray that Nikki will continue to grow in the Lord through the discipleship process.  Pray for Harry who is on the leadership team of the church and he will be officially ordained as Deacon of the church.

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