Thursday, December 20, 2012


The Lord has given us some opportunities to share our ministry in churches and with church leaders. It was wonderful to be used by the Lord to encourage God’s people to stay focus on making world missions a priority and to be
personally involved in their community to make disciples. I was able to attend a Pastor’s Conference and interact with
pastors on missions. We have also been connecting with churches that are interesting in sending short-term and longterm missionaries to Suriname.

Our co-worker Roy Lytle reported that during the tribal conference at Lawa, church leaders and believers from
different villages who attended were challenged and encouraged. At the end of the conference, 27 Wayana believers who had trusted the Lord stood by the river bank to follow the Lord in Baptism.

The Outreach Team that went out to take the gospel to the unreached tribe in neighboring county had to abort their trip and return to Suriname. The government official was alerted about their coming and had planned to arrest them. The Indians in neighboring country who partner with the Indians from Suriname were planning to meet with government official to express their disapproval.  Pray that God will make a way for the gospel to get to the unreach tribe.


Nathan had asked, “Aren’t we going to decorate for Christmas like we do in Suriname?” At the missionary home where we rented, we were loaned a Christmas tree and other decorations to beautify our apartment. Nathan was excited about this addition and now he thinks it looks like Christmas. Nathan has been adjusting and doing well in home-school. Nadira has done a good job in teaching him and helping him to be ahead in his lessons.

As the second quarter is coming to an end, he is looking forward to the Christmas holidays and all the gifts he anticipates he would receive. In his spare time, he enjoys playing wii games at home and with his cousin Timothy, reading books, and attending Awana. He likes to attend Awana to learn verses, to receive
badges, connect with the children, and play games. He looks forward to this weekly with excitement.

Nadira will be 50 years old on December 25. Oh, how time has slipped away so quickly! Nevertheless, we have eason to celebrate and thank the Lord for bringing her this far. The Lord has been good to us and He has been sustaining us during our Home Assign-ment in the US. We will surely enjoy our time with each other, focusing on the birth of our dear Savior.


The world is changing drastically, not for the better but forthe worse. No wonder our Lord rightly said, “In this world you will have tribulation.” There is an increasing antagonism against Christ, the gospel, Christians, and even Christmas. We are bombarded with the negative news and happenings all over the world. We tune into the news media and we see and
hear about the chaos and confusion and despair and disappointments. In spite of this, we have a Lord who never changes, a hope that is sure and steadfast, and a message that is still relevant. That message is simple, profound, and the answer to the world’s problem: “She shall bring forth a Son, and thou shall call Him Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins” (Mt 1:21). Truly, Jesus is the only One who can rescue mankind from sin and bring peace with God. 
Let us all join in and proclaim the true message of Christmas boldly and consistently in our celebration and living during this Christmas season. The emblems of Christmas may be trodden upon by the unbelieving world but the truth of the gospel and the hope that Jesus offers to mankind need to be sounded out loud andclear from us this Christmas season.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Road Trip to the Northeast

At Warrington, PA
We left a day earlier to travel to World Team's office in Warrington, PA to avoid being caught in the storm. Although the it was raining heavily until we got out of FL, GA, and part of SC & NC, the Lord brought us safely to World Team's office. We stayed with a David Defazio, a wonderful family who has two children, Noah and Caleb. Nathan had a great time playing with the kids. He missed them when he left. We had two days visiting different department for briefing, updating our data base, and sharing the ministry.
At Treasure Lake Church, Dubois, PA
On August 31-Sept 4, we were in Treasure Lake, Dubois to share our ministry with the believers at Treasure Lake Church. We were well-take care of by Dave & Dawn Lukehart. Nathan has a good time connecting with Mackey and Lia, grand-children of the Lukeharts. We had opportunities to share on Saturday evening and three-times on Sunday morning. It was a joy and blessing to re-connect with our sponsoring church.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Abrabroki Church Bulding Project

After many years of meeting in a garage, our first church planting effort, the Abrabroki church has laid the cornerstone to start the construction of the building.  Even though it rained everyday during the digging of the foundation, the men were able to pour concrete and laid several layers of stones.  Now that the dry season is approaching there is need to see the building completed.  Pastor Vijay gave thanks to God for bringing the church this far with its building project and now they are looking for short-term work teams to help with the completion of the building.  Pray that God will provide for the rest of the funds needed to complete the project and that work teams will come alongside and help them. 

Pastor Vijay laid the first stone that marks the contruction of the
meeting place for the church

Progress made on the foundation

The Mariage of Raymond & Siwaida

On July 14 Raymond and Siwaida, in the presence of church, family members, neighbors, and friends, were joined together as husband and wife in holy matrimony.

I had the privilege of not only to lead both of them to the Lord but to perform the wedding ceremony and to encourage them from the Word of God to love one another, serve God, and stay true to God's Word.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Joe & Joy's Ministry in Suriname

The Lord has blessed us with the ministry of Brother Joy and his wife Joy.  During their time in Suriname, the Lord used them to challenge the Guyanese and Hindustani believers to go out into the harvest field and make disciples.  He met and interacted with several church leaders to get a sense of what God is doing in Suriname, to hear of the challenges the churches are face with in ministry, and to look for opportunities for partnership in the ministry.  We are praying that God would bring them back to Suriname with others from their home church to come and join us in making disciples and developing and releasing leaders in the work of the Lord.

Joe & Joy in Suriname on a short-term trip. 

Joe shared the Word of God to encouraged a Hindustani
family to be faithful to God.

Bro. Steve shared with Joe and Joy ministry needs
and opportunites for partnership.

Interaction with Pastor Peter and wife Savita

Bro. Joe preaching the Word at the Abrabroki Church
in Paramaribo

Bro. Joe sharing with the Hindustani House church
in Jarikaba.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Anything for the Gospel

Joe & Joy connecting and praying for Akshay & family

Joe & Joy with Koemar & family

Brother Joe Zbinden and his wife Joy are presently on an orientation visit from their home church in Illinois to visit our ministry in Suriname.  They have ministered in several countries and they are passionate about foreign missions and doing anything to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord. They would like to see firsthand what God is doing Suriname and to look at possibilities of ministry opporturnities and partnership.  Brother Joe will be sharing the Word, visiting, praying, and encouraging the people.  They visited the Hindustani community of Jarikaba yesterday, connected with a couple of families, and prayed for their well-being.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Saved & Getting Married

 Praise God that this young Hindustani Muslim girl trusted Jesus as her Lord and Savior.  Raymond had been looking for a Christian wife but could not find  one in his village.  After being discouraged, he began to date this young girl and was serious about marrying her.  We decided to pray and witness to the young girl about the need to trust Jesus.  After sharing the gospel with her, she opened her heart to receive Jesus.  Now we are planning a Christian wedding in the community on July 14.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ordination of Deacons

Abrabroki church

Deacon with wife: Vandita and Harry & Balo and Latchmin

On April 26, the Guyanese church in Abrabroki ordained Brother Harry and Brother Balo.  Pastor Vijay gave the charge and Brother Scott brought the message to challenge the men to serve faithfully.  I had the privilege of teaching the men on the qualifications and duties of a deacon.  I had worked with the leadership team of the church to equip them on church organization and church leadership.  We are praying and trusting that God will use this church to impact the community with the gospel of Christ.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sharing Christ in Guyana

 Forty-two members from Nadira's and my family gathered together at my brother's home in Skeldon for a time of fellowship.  We decded to bring both families together within one day's notice to share the gospel with them.  Most of my family members are not Christians and I thought that it would be wonderful to get them in one place to share the gospel with them.  Some could not come but those who came were able to hear a clear presentation of the gospel.  This is the first time we have gathered the family  in one place to share the gospel with them.  Some requested that we do it again in the future since they had a great time.  Our guest speaker from Florida, Scott brought the message and I led the worship time.  I was able to encourage family members to unite, forgive, live at peace with one another, and to trust the Lord Jesus as I did.

Family Thanksgiving in Guyana

On April 20 we took Nadira's Sister Lily, Brother-in-law Scott, and Timothy their son to share the gospel among family members in Guyana.  It is always more challenging to reach out to family members with the gospel than other.  Though difficult it might be, it needs to be done.

We gathered together for two days with 15 of Nadira's family members under her father's house and encouraged those who are Christians to serve the Lord faithfully, challenged those that have gone astray from the Lord, and explained how those who did not know the Lord could have a relationship with Him.  Scott preached the gospel and I led the worship. After an hour of worship, we shared a meal together with the family on each day.   Not often do we get to meet with family members together.  Although some live in other countries and could not be there, it was a blessing to have the majority. 

Developing Leaders

Shaam, a Hindustani brother in Christ, has been the worship leaders of our House Church for several years.  He has a wife and three sons who professed Christ as Savior.  He has worked as a security guard at the Suriname Banana Plantation full-time.  He has been a good worker and has potential in giving leadership to the church. 

Shaam has a great desire to know more of what the Bible says.  Often he would approach me with questions on Biblical themes that are not clear to him.  He would ask for explanations on things that he does not understand.  He has a teachable spirit and a willingness to serve the Lord in a greater capacity.  For over a month, I haved traveled from the city to his home weekly to teach and equip him for leadership in the church.  I have been teaching him on how to prepare and lead an interactive Bible Study.  I am seeking to teach him some practical Bible study methods he can use in teaching and to enourage him to maximize his spiritual gifts to serve the Lord.  Like Paul, we need to engage, enslist, and equip reliable men who would be capable to serve effective in the church and to reproduce themselves in others.